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How do I login to a module?

You will need your NID and NID password to log in to the Information Literacy Modules.

If you forget your NID, you can look it up here

If your forget your NID password, you can use the NID password reset online form available at

If you need help resetting your NID password, please contact the Computer Services Help Desk at 407-823-5117
or visit their website

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May 3, 2010

New Modules Now Available

  • Conducting a Literature Review
  • Managing References Using RefWorks
  • Selecting Sources for Academic Assignments
  • Understanding the Information Cycle

And, new, edited versions of all of the previously created modules are also available. Also, MLA and APA modules have been updated with the new editions.

If you have questions about any of the information literacy modules, contact Elizabeth Killingsworth,

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January 15, 2010

New system feature: Importing past scores

On January 15, a system upgrade added a new feature to the information literacy modules. A student who has previously completed the exact same module in a previous class or a previous semester will be given the opportunity to import his or her past score. The student has the option to accept the score or return to the assessment to complete the quiz again.

This feature is currently turned “on”. If you’d prefer that your students complete the module assessment again rather than import the previous score, you can log in to the repository and turn this feature off.

Here are the steps to turn this feature “off”:

  1. Login to
  2. Published Instances should be showing on your screen. Highlight the title of the instance you’d like to edit.
  3. Click on Edit Details. This is a tab just above the title of the module on the right side of the screen.
  4. A new pop up window will open. Uncheck the check box to “Allow past scores to be imported” at the bottom of the screen.

If a student logs into a module that has been edited or updated in any way since their last visit to the module, the student will not be given the opportunity to import a past score.

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January 7, 2010

Happy New Year! New Handout Available to Make Life Easier

Getting back into the swing of things in the new year can be a bit daunting, especially after a sugar-laden holiday. Here is a handy tool to help you begin using the information literacy modules in your classes. This short handout contains instructions to login to the repository and set up a module to use in your class. It also has a section of instructions for your students that you can cut and paste into your online course, your syllabus, or an email. If you’re wondering how to download scores from the modules into your WebCourses gradebook, this handout will give you the details. If you have questions about the modules, or would like to set up an appointment for one-on-one help, just email us:

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December 9, 2009

Adoption of Information Literacy Modules Continues

Inclusion of information literacy modules in course assignments continues across campus. Since June 2008, there have been:

  • 16212 assessment completions by
  • 5742 students in
  • 200 course sections led by
  • 107 faculty who created
  • 441 instances of
  • 8 information literacy modules with an average score of
  • 89.73% across all module’s summative assessments.
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December 7, 2009

Winding down and gearing up for the spring semester!

As the fall semester winds down and the new spring semester begins, we’d like to draw your attention to a few recommended procedures:

  1. Download scores from the last term and save to your computer.If you have not already, we would suggest downloading scores from your instances and maintaining them with your student records. (As a reminder, you may use this same download process at any point in the term as the basis for uploading scores into MyUCFGrades, Webcourses@UCF, or any other grade book program that supports importing.)
  2. Make new instances.We recommend creating new instances each term since scores are associated with specific instances permanently. Having spring term students using instances from a previous term would result in both sets of student data appearing on your score sheet. To make new instances, begin here:
  3. Update any URLs that link to the old instances.Each instance URL ends with a unique ID number. You may simply change this number in order to update the URLs.
  4. Delete old instances.In order to de-clutter your “My Instances” area, you might find it helpful to delete instances from previous semesters.
  5. Provide link to log-in information when you provide instance URLs to students.Detailed information on logging in to the information literacy modules is available for students at
  6. Provide tech support links to students when you provide instance URLs.Tech support for students (and faculty) is available through the Ask A Librarian service ( Please encourage students to make contact with Ask A Librarian via phone, email, IM, or chat if they encounter any difficulties with content or technology. You might also refer students to the Frequently Asked Questions at (If you choose to help students yourself, you might also find the faculty FAQs useful in addressing student issues:
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