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Category: Quickstart

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Part VI: Resetting Modules Each Semester

Keep in mind that at the end of a semester there are a few “housekeeping” steps to save existing scores and create new instances for upcoming classes.

If you set up instances in the repository, you will need to download scores from the repository.

  • Download scores from the current semester to save to your computer. If you have not already done so, we suggest downloading scores from current instances and maintaining them with your students’ records.

To prepare modules each semester, you may consider using the following steps:

  • Make new instances in the repository — instructions to create new instances at
  • Update any student handouts, emails or other  information that include URLs that link to old instances from previous classes.
  • Delete old instances — this helps de-clutter your “My Instances” area in the repository.
  • Provide the link to log in information when you provide the new instance URLs to students. Detailed information for students about logging in to the modules can be found on this page
  • Provide tech support links to students when you provide new instance URLs. Tech support for students (and faculty) is available through the Ask A Librarian service at (If you choose to help students yourself, you might also find the faculty FAQs useful in addressing student questions

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Part V: Accessing Student Assessment Scores

Once students have taken an assessment using an instance URL, their scores will be available in the repository. (Note: If you used  Canvas and the ‘Add an Assignment’ option, student scores will  SYNC to your Canvas grade book.)

To access student assessment scores from the repository:

  • Log into the repository, and select the “Published Instances” tab at the top of the window.
  • Select the title of the instance from the list associated with your course.
  • Select the “Assessment Scores” tab near the top of the window.
  • The assessment scores will be displayed, and you can use the ‘Download Scores’ option to save them as an Excel file.

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Part IV: Giving Students Access to Module Instances

To give students access to module instances:

  • Log in to the repository and go to “Published Instances” tab at the top of the window.
  • Select the title of the instance from the list of instances displayed on the left.
  • Locate the URL for the instance in the “Instance Details” panel next to the Instance Link label.
  • Share this URL with students.

When students use this URL they will need to log in with their NID and NID password and they will be able to access that instance’s unique log in page. When assigning modules to students, it may be helpful to include the following text along with the instance URL for the module.

Below are links to Information Literacy Modules that you will complete. You will need to log in with your NID and your NID password. If you don’t remember your NID, you can look it up here

If you’re unsure of your NID password, you can reset your password using this online form

If you need help or have questions, you can use the FAQ OR
contact the Ask A Librarian service at the library

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Part III: Creating an Instance of a Module

There is no limit on the number of instances that can be made from a module.

To create an instance in the respository:

  • Log in to the repository and click the “Community Library” tab at the top of the page.
  • Select the module you want to create an instance of from the list on the left.
  • Select the red “Publish Instance” option just above the title of the module.
  • Enter the required information about the new instance in the “Publish Instance” window that displays. Information should include course name, start and end time/date that this instance will be opened for students, the number of attempts students will have to complete the module assessment and whether you will allow students to import past scores (if students have previously completed the same module).
  • Select “Publish” at the bottom of the panel to finish creating the instance.
  • The instance is now ready for distribution to students, and you can locate it by selecting the “Published Instances” tab where all instances are automatically displayed.

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Part II: Locating Information Literacy Modules

There are two ways you can assign Information Literacy Modules:

*Note: Even if you have used the modules in the past, please create a new instance from the community library to insure you are using the most up to date version.  Previous versions may contain Flash objects and will no longer work.


  1. Create a new assignment
  2. Select “External Tools”
  3. Select “Obojobo Classic”
  4. Select “Community Library”
  5. Select the module you would like to include
  6. Select “Create new instance” (note: if you would like to preview the module first, you can do so by selecting the “Preview” link located below the “Create new instance” button.
  7. Modify the number of attempts you would like your students to have
  8. Uncheck the “import previous scores” box if you would like to ensure students complete the modules again, even if they have completed it in the past for another course.
  9. Select “Create new instance”



  1. Navigate to the course module you would like to add the infolit modules to.
  2. Click on the “+” sign to the right of the title of the course module
  3. Select Add “external tool” from the drop down menu
  4. Select “Obojobo Classic”
  5. Select “Community Library”
  6. Select the module you would like to include
  7. Select “Create new instance” (note: if you would like to preview the module first, you can do so by selecting the “Preview” link located below the “Create new instance” button.
  8. Modify the number of attempts you would like your students to have
  9. Uncheck the “import previous scores” box if you would like to ensure students complete the modules again, even if they have completed it in the past for another course.
  10. Select “Create new instance”

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Part I: Login

The Information Literacy Modules are located in the Obojobo repository

To log in to the repository, enter your username and password (NID/NID password).

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Welcome to the Information Literacy Quick Start Guide!

This guide provides information about:

  • how to log in to the “repository”
  • how to locate published Information Literacy Modules,
  • how to create instances of the modules,
  • how to give students access to your instances,
  • how to access module scores in the repository,
  • and information about using modules with Canvas courses.

The guide is readily available in print format by clicking “View All” and selecting print.

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