Are there any tips for resetting modules each semester?

Are there any tips for resetting modules each semester?

Yes, at the beginning of a new semester you will need to create new instances for your classes. If you set up instances outside of Canvas, you will need to download scores from the repository so scores from the current semester will not be co-mingled with scores from the previous semester.

To prepare modules each semester, you may consider using the following steps:

  • Download existing module scores (if not using Canvas) that you might need and save on your computer. (If you have not already done so, we suggest downloading scores from your instances and maintaining them with your student records.)
  • Make new instances — start on this page to make new instances
  • Update any student handouts, emails or other  information that include URLs that link to old instances from previous classes
  • Delete old instances — this helps to de-clutter your “My Instances” area in the repository
  • Provide the link to log in information when you provide the new instance URLs to students. Detailed information for students about logging in to the modules can be found on this page
  • Provide tech support links to students when you provide new instance URLs. Tech support for students (and faculty) is available through the Ask A Librarian service at (If you choose to help students yourself, you might also find the faculty FAQs useful in addressing student questions

Part VI: Resetting Modules Each Semester

Keep in mind that at the end of a semester there are a few “housekeeping” steps to save existing scores and create new instances for upcoming classes.

If you set up instances in the repository, you will need to download scores from the repository.

  • Download scores from the current semester to save to your computer. If you have not already done so, we suggest downloading scores from current instances and maintaining them with your students’ records.

To prepare modules each semester, you may consider using the following steps:

  • Make new instances in the repository — instructions to create new instances at
  • Update any student handouts, emails or other  information that include URLs that link to old instances from previous classes.
  • Delete old instances — this helps de-clutter your “My Instances” area in the repository.
  • Provide the link to log in information when you provide the new instance URLs to students. Detailed information for students about logging in to the modules can be found on this page
  • Provide tech support links to students when you provide new instance URLs. Tech support for students (and faculty) is available through the Ask A Librarian service at (If you choose to help students yourself, you might also find the faculty FAQs useful in addressing student questions

Information Fluency Conference March 14-16

The Information Fluency Conference will be held at UCF on March 14-16, 2012.   This national conference is sponsored by the Office of Information Fluency at UCF.  Anyone affiliated with UCF (faculty, staff, students, and affiliated groups) is welcome to attend at no charge.

Dr. S. Craig Watkins will deliver the keynote address. Dr. Watkins teaches at the University of Texas, Austin, in the departments of Radio-Television Film, Sociology, and the Center for African and African American Studies and is the author of  ” The Young and the Digital: What the Migration to Social Network Sites, Games, and Anytime, Anywhere Media Means for Our Future.”   Program information and registration is available on the conference website


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