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Can I start a module and then come back to it later?

While the modules are designed to be completed by most students in less than 30 minutes, there is no time limit imposed. However, the modules will log out automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. If it is necessary for you to start your work and then resume later, you may do so. You will be required to log in again, but you will be returned to the point in the module that you last accessed.

If using a public computer or if someone else must use the computer before you can return, you may close your browser window or log out by clicking the settings icon and choosing “Log out.” When you log in again you will be returned to the beginning of the module, but any Practice or Assessment items you previously completed will be retained.

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I’m in a module, but I don’t know what to do next. How do I work through an information literacy module?

There are four sections in each module: Overview, Content, Practice, and Assessment.
The tabs to navigate to each section are at the top of the screen.

Once you click a section, use the “Next” and “Previous” links or the numbers across the top to navigate through each page.
It is recommended that you work through the Content and Practice sections before taking the Assessment quiz.

Once you select the Assessment, you will not be able to access the Content or Practice sections. You may only have one attempt to complete the Assessment quiz unless your professor has informed you otherwise.

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I’ve already completed one of the information literacy modules, and now another professor has assigned the same module again. Do I have to complete the module a second time?

Perhaps not. When you log in to the module, the system will “recognize” you as successfully completing the module previously. You will have the option of importing your previous score to the current course or completing the assessment again if you would like to try for a higher score.  If you import your previous score you will not have to complete the assessment again. But, if the “import” option has been disabled by your professor, you will not have an option to import a previous score, and you will need to complete the assessment again.

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The URL for the module does not work. What should I do?

If you were given the URL from your professor, go back to the original source of the URL and check the address. If possible, click the link or copy and paste the URL into your browser. If the URL still does not work, contact your professor for help. Only the professor will be able to retrieve the correct URL for your course.
If you are accessing the modules from the Infolit website, please  contact the Ask A Librarian service for help at or 407-823-2562 or 1-866-271-7589 (toll free).

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What if I do not have administrative access to install programs or change settings on my computer?

You will need to contact the person or department with administrative rights to your computer.

UCF computers in the campus computer labs should meet the minimum requirements for the Information Literacy Modules.
A list of UCF computer labs is available at

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Avoiding Plagiarism Using APA Style (7th ed.)

Avoiding Plagiarism Using APA Style (7th ed.)

20 minutes

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How UCF defines plagiarism
  • When you need to cite sources
  • The difference between a quote and a paraphrase
  • When to quote and when to paraphrase
  • How to signal to readers that you are incorporating the work of other researchers using APA style
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