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What if I can’t remember the URL to the module for my class?

Once you are logged into the repository, go to the “Published Instances” tab at the top of the window.
Select the instance from the list.
Locate the URL next to the Instance Link label in the description panel.
This is the URL you will distribute to your students. The URL takes students to your instance of the module via the repository. Students will need to log in with their NID and NID password.

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How do I access module scores?

Once  you are logged into the repository, go to the “Published Instances” tab at the top of the screen.
Select the instance from the list displayed on the left.
Select the “Assessment Scores” tab at the top of the description panel.
The assessment scores will be displayed and can be downloaded from Obojobo (repository), and then uploaded into Canvas using the directions on this page

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How do I give students access to the module?

  1. Once you are logged into the repository, select the “Published Instances” tab at the top of the window.
  2. Select the instance from the list displayed in the left column.
  3. Email or distribute the URL displayed next to the Instance Link label. This URL takes students to your instance of the module. Students will need to log in with their NID and NID password.
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How do I make modules available to my students?

There are two ways to assign an Information Literacy Module in your course:

(1)  If you are using Canvas, you can use the “Add Assignment” option in your course. This will SYNC module scores to your Canvas grade book. Instructions for the ‘Add Assignment option are available at Online @UCF


(2)  You can go to the Obojobo repository and create an instance (copy) of a module to use. Creating an instance from the repository requires that you share the module’s unique URL with your students — and does NOT SYNC SCORES to your Canvas grade book.  Scores will be stored in the repository where you can download them in an Excel file. Instructions for creating module instances are available in our Quick Start Guide and are also included below.

  • Log in to the Obojobo repository, click the “Community Library” at the top of the window and select a module in the left column.
  • Click “Publish Instance” at the top of the panel.
  • Next, complete the required information for your module instance, (course name, start and end times/dates when it will be available to students, the number of attempts students will have for the module assessment, and whether you allow students to import previous module scores.
  • Select “Publish” at the bottom of the panel to finish creating the module instance.
  • Note: You will need to copy the URL provided next to the Instance Link label. This is the URL that is distributed to students to access your copy of the module. Each module instance you create is automatically placed under the “Published Instances” tab, if you need to modify dates, etc.
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Part I: Login

The Information Literacy Modules are located in the Obojobo repository

To log in to the repository, enter your username and password (NID/NID password).

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Welcome to the Information Literacy Quick Start Guide!

This guide provides information about:

  • how to log in to the “repository”
  • how to locate published Information Literacy Modules,
  • how to create instances of the modules,
  • how to give students access to your instances,
  • how to access module scores in the repository,
  • and information about using modules with Canvas courses.

The guide is readily available in print format by clicking “View All” and selecting print.

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Do I have to use Canvas in order to assign information literacy modules to my students?

No. Canvas is not required to assign the Information Literacy Modules. However, if you do use Canvas, you may integrate the modules using the ‘Add Assignment’ option. The Information Literacy Modules are designed to be used in any UCF course – both online and face-to-face courses. Instructions to use the Canvas ‘Add Assignment’ option for the Information Literacy Modules are available at Online @UCF Support

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