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Part II: Locating Information Literacy Modules

There are two ways you can assign Information Literacy Modules:

*Note: Even if you have used the modules in the past, please create a new instance from the community library to insure you are using the most up to date version.  Previous versions may contain Flash objects and will no longer work.


  1. Create a new assignment
  2. Select “External Tools”
  3. Select “Obojobo Classic”
  4. Select “Community Library”
  5. Select the module you would like to include
  6. Select “Create new instance” (note: if you would like to preview the module first, you can do so by selecting the “Preview” link located below the “Create new instance” button.
  7. Modify the number of attempts you would like your students to have
  8. Uncheck the “import previous scores” box if you would like to ensure students complete the modules again, even if they have completed it in the past for another course.
  9. Select “Create new instance”



  1. Navigate to the course module you would like to add the infolit modules to.
  2. Click on the “+” sign to the right of the title of the course module
  3. Select Add “external tool” from the drop down menu
  4. Select “Obojobo Classic”
  5. Select “Community Library”
  6. Select the module you would like to include
  7. Select “Create new instance” (note: if you would like to preview the module first, you can do so by selecting the “Preview” link located below the “Create new instance” button.
  8. Modify the number of attempts you would like your students to have
  9. Uncheck the “import previous scores” box if you would like to ensure students complete the modules again, even if they have completed it in the past for another course.
  10. Select “Create new instance”

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