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December 15, 2010

Preparing for the 2011 Spring Semester ?

While you’re planning for the upcoming semester, please consider adding Infolit Modules to your courses.

We have twelve module topics that offer students an opportunity to learn and practice concepts related to finding and using information for their assignments.  Each module is designed to foster skills about how to identify, access and use information sources.

If you have questions about using the modules, please contact us.

End of semester reminders:

Due to upcoming system maintenance and updates, the Infolit Modules will not be available on the following dates:
12/17 10am-12pm, 12/19 9am-6pm, 12/20 (upgrade), 12/27 7am-12/28 5pm

We’d also like to draw your attention to a few recommended procedures related to saving scores for your current module instances and creating new module instances for the spring:

1. Download scores from the last term and save to your computer. If you have not already done so, we would suggest downloading scores from your instances and maintaining them with your student records. Reminder: you may use this same download process at any point in the term as the basis for uploading scores into MyUCFGrades, Webcourses@UCF, or any other grade book program that supports importing.

2. Make new instances. We recommend creating new instances each term since scores are permanently associated with a specific instance. Having spring term students using instances from a previous term will result in both sets of student data appearing on your score sheet.

To make new instances, begin here:

3. Update any URLs that link to the old instances. Each instance URL ends with a unique ID number,so you may simply change this number in order to update URLs.

4. Delete old instances. In order to de-clutter your “My Instances” area, you might find it helpful to delete instances from previous semesters.

5. Provide the link to log-in information when you provide instance URLs to students. Detailed information on logging in to the information literacy modules is available for students at

6. Provide tech support links to students when you provide instance URLs. Tech support for students (and faculty) is available through the Ask A Librarian service ( Please encourage students to make contact with Ask A Librarian via phone, email, IM, or chat if they encounter any difficulties with content or technology. You might also refer students to the Frequently Asked Questions at (If you choose to help students yourself, you might also find the faculty FAQs useful in addressing student issues:

Happy Holidays!

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